
CleanShot X

When I first learned about CleanShot X, I thought that the app was stupid. What's the point of the app? I know what I'm doing. Shift-Command-3, Shift-Command-4, etched into my memory. My fingers reflexively poise to press those three keys. I don't need it spelled out to me in the convenience of a menubar app.

If I really wanted to get something tricky like a screenshot of a certain pressed state or a tooltip, I'd use the native Screenshot app, née Grab and set up a timed screenshot.

Working in a very collaborative environment, I'm taking upwards of 20-30 screenshots a day, dumping them into Slack, into various other apps, getting around eventually to deleting them off of my desktop.

If I wanted to annotate something, I'm a professional designer dammit. It would get dragged and dropped into Sketch, and then I'd take a screenshot again because you can't build a better export feature to compete with that.

Friends told me I should try the app, I arrogantly ignored them, confident it would not benefit me – and you can probably see this going – how wrong I was.

I don't believe I have touched a single preference. I don't think I have ever needed to use their annotation tools, or added a background to anything I've captured. I've never gone to view my capture history, and I've only just discovered writing this you can also record video too?(!) I do that constantly much to the chagrin of my colleagues.

Just that little floating window that appears after you've taken a screenshot, giving you the option to either save it or copy the damn screenshot to your clipboard is the reason alone why this week I've dropped another 20 bucks to buy a second seat.

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